Member Gravestone Photo Request
**CGS Members**
CGS Next Cemetery Walk is July 14th at Mt. Greenwood Cemetery in Chicago.
The CGS Cemetery Committee is offering to take gravestone photos for members at the Mt. Greenwood Cemetery. One request per member please. Please first check FindAGrave and BillionGraves websites to see if a photo is already available. Depending on the number of requests received, it may not be possible for volunteers to complete every one. Also, volunteers may not be successful in finding the requested graves. If the grave is located, you will be emailed photo(s) of the gravestone, and CGS will also load the images on FindAGrave.
Provide the name, dates, and location (section, plot) if known. You can contact the cemetery office (773-233-0136) and request information. Photo requests will be taken between May 1 and June 30. Send your request by June 30th to CGS Attn: Mt Greenwood Cemetery Walk Gravestone Photo Request.