Researching Chicago Ancestors from Afar with Nancy E. Loe
Did your native and immigrant ancestors settle in Chicago, but you live in another location? Metropolitan areas can present a different set of research challenges. Learn how to find both traditional and unusual resources, including free and low-cost alternatives for Cook County vital records, searching Chicago newspapers, essential print and online resources, and finding immigrant and ethnic ancestors in Cook County.
After a long professional career in academic archives and genealogy libraries, Nancy E. Loe, MA, MLS, is now a genealogy educator, researcher, and writer. She specializes in U.S. and European research, and provides expert guidance on information management and research skills.
Her website, sassyjanegenealogy.com offers a blog, free monthly newsletter, and e-books on genealogy research.
Nancy has appeared on PBS's American Experience, at NGS, RootsTech, and numerous genealogy conferences and webinars in the U.S., Canada, and Australia. All eight of her great-grandparents left Europe and migrated to Chicago between 1880-1912.

Registration is required via the Chicago Genealogical Society website under Events. Registration will close 1 hour prior to the event. The meet-up will take place virtually via ZOOM. All people registered will receive an email the morning of the event with log-in instructions and a link. This information is not to be shared.
Note: This webinar is FREE for CGS members. Non-Members can register for the event for $10. No refunds.